Nothing new.

It’s been a busy, busy day – and I’m sorry to say that all I have to show for it is another Panera trip – garden vegetable soup, Greek salad and a baguette. I’m hoping to whip up something new tomorrow for dinner, so there’s something to look forward to – a little variety at the very least ๐Ÿ˜‰

After my class today I made a run to Starbucks for a Cinnamon Dolce Latte:

Ok – have you caught me yet? I had to reuse the pictures because I accidentally forgot my camera! It did make me realize that this blog has become somewhat boring (I mean, I can use the same pictures more than once in a week, sheesh!) so it’s motivating me to become more adventurous in my eating!

My journalism school also had a career fair today – I went for a while just to get a taste of who was there. Most of them were television stations, publishing companies and media companies who are looking for full-time employees. I’m still a junior so I’m not quite there yet…but it was nice to know that there WILL be companies who are hiring next year! I got some contact info. and did the “networking” bit. It’s good practice!

I’ve got some reading to do before bedtime. I hope you had a fabulous day!

Sweet dreams ๐Ÿ™‚


  1. I know, I want Panera too! MMMM, cinnamon dolce, sounds delicious! My sister got one but it was all that “skinny” hype and I wasn’t sure what that meant…

  2. haha i didn’t catch you, until you said something haha ๐Ÿ˜‰ all your pictures loooook fabulous, they looks just as good the first time!

  3. No worries!! You’re busy, you love Panera – keep eating there!! :0D

    I love your photographs, so even if you reuse some, I’ll still enjoy seeing them :0)

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