Breakfast Challenge: Day 1

Hello everyone! I apologize for being so consistently sporadic (hehe, I love a good oxymoron). But today is super exciting, as it is the first day of my Breakfast Challenge with Carmen from The Oatmeal Experiment! And what better way to start the day than with a batch of Ebleskiver pancakes?!

I first talked about them in my post here. Today, I added frozen blueberries to the center, and they came out great! The blueberries added just the right amount of sweetness πŸ™‚ I made some for Bobby and myself, so here’s another batch:

I had a “from above” picture, but it turned out blurry – too bad πŸ™

I’m liking the challenge so far – we’ll see how I feel in a couple of days! I think as long as we balance out the carby foods with things like eggs, it shouldn’t be too bad!

I’ve got to get back to work, but I have a recipe from my dad to post, as well as other meals soon!! πŸ™‚


  1. If I wasn’t cooking for my mom, I’d so be n on this! Who wouldn’t want pancakes. Gosh, whenever I see that commercial for those pancakes i just want to order it!

  2. Love those pancakes! They look so cute πŸ˜€

    Hahah~I know what you mean! Things like eggs and peanut butter are what’s going to save me from all that sugary stuff I’ll be eating for the next few days :p

    Good luck with all your work!

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