Tag: Bobby

Dinner, Tidbits and Treats


A couple of months ago, we celebrated the fact that Bobby successfully took his Level III CFA exam. Yesterday, we celebrated the fact that he not only took the test, but was part of the 52% of test takers who PASSED! Needless to say, congratulations were in order. I couldn’t be prouder of him. When […]

Dinner, Tidbits and Treats

Look, Ma!

Two hands! We’ve come a long a way from our tandem bike accident during our honeymoon in November. It may have taken 12 weeks, but Bobby’s doctor finally gave the “OK” yesterday to remove the bright blue cast that had become a comfortable part of our lives. Only joking, of course. Bobby couldn’t WAIT to […]

Tidbits and Treats, Wedding

Happy Valentine’s Day!

I can’t help but post this picture. It’s my very favorite. Hope that you all have a wonderful Monday! Find something to smile about whether it’s the snow melting (thank you), a particularly good workout or an extremely delicious piece of dark chocolate. 🙂 Bobby and I will be eating at one of our favorite […]