P90X: Core Synergistics

Core Synergistics is one of the toughest total body workouts (at least, it feels like one!) in the P90X system. It was roughly 1 hour long and focused on strengthening multiple muscle groups to build and support core muscles. I can’t provide too much detail here because I paid for it and I’m sure they wouldn’t want me spilling all of their secrets. But essentially, we worked through a series of lunges, squats, push-ups and abdominal moves until we achieved muscle failure (in other words, I could not eke out another rep because I was wiped).

By the time I was finished, I was covered in sweat and feeling as though I worked as hard as I would on any old cardio machine. That was the best moment for me because I typically don’t feel I’ve gotten enough of a workout without getting on a cardio machine.


  1. Great information. I’m in my first recovery week and this is the workout for today…wow…I thought it was going to be a pretty easy workout in comparison to my first three weeks…I GUESS NOT, lol. Thanks for this post…

  2. I’d have to say…for a “recovery” week…Core Synergistics was a wicked workout, lol. I struggled a bit through some of the exercises, but I know for certain…without the first three weeks…I would’ve passed out quick. Great workout…

  3. I’m looking at trying this myself but don’t like the sound of complete muscle failure. Oh well No pain No gain so they say. Looks like a good workout.

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